Monday 30 April 2012

For you !

Hey guys! 
Not really much to talk about; got Maths exams this week and such, soo...
I did this to really shout at a professional stalker of my blog.

Yeah, that's right, I know you stalk my blog Simona. Busted. 

On an otherwise blunt note, have a good week everyone! ♥

Monday 16 April 2012

Awkward much? :O

How awkward this must've been o.o

This makes complete sense.

Shuper Kitteh!

Friday 6 April 2012

Long time, no see~

Hey guys!
Now then :O I have lots to talk about! ^^ Some of which you might find boring, some interesting, some bizaar and some normal. 

Okie dokie, well, let's get this show on the road!
I'm on my Easter Holiday now! Happy Good Friday, hope everyone has a fab easter! I'll be feasting on Haribos because I don't eat chocolate, so noooo eggies for me ;P 

This half term of school was just so hectic, I have honestly never been involved in so much stuff out of school and during school. I had assemblies to conduct to the different year groups, I attended an event after school that I was asked to help out for, and then in the last week, I was asked to give a speech to all of the teachers that worked at my school. Q.Q I'm sure it's easy to create a replica of what my face represented when I was asked to xD Looked a little something like this: 

Say what now?!

Anyway, as you can see rather boldly, I wasn't too impressed by the thought of having to perform in front of all the teachers who teach me on a regular basis. But of course, I did it anyway. Although, the most embarrassing bit was at the end of the performance, we were all given a sheet to explain what we liked about our lessons. Being the utter idiot I am, I forgot the sheet when I was asked to recite what I liked, so therefore, what did I do? I made the whole thing up. Yeah, that's right, the whole thing. v.v But it still went well :D 

Recently, I visited a beautiful cathedral with some really pretty gardens, so I decided to take a couple of pictures for you all. However, this is the only one I can find so far, so if I locate some more I'll post them asap on the blog :) 

It was a lovely visit and thanks to those that organised the trip. :) 

Health kick! 

Recently, I've been on what could be otherwise called as a heath kick. I wanted to get fit and healthy so that I could look after my family as well as they look after me when I'm sick, and also for my general well-being as well. For some tips, take a look at the bulletin points below :) They are all things I've done and it does work! You just have to keep at it :)

  • Drink plenty of water and, whenever you want a snack, grab a piece of fruit or a healthy fruit bar.
  • I go out for a walk around my block (which takes around 15-30 minutes) twice a day. It's easy to do and you can explore a bit more of your area too.
  • Whenever wanting a sweet treat, I always grab a fruit ice-lolly. They aren't hugely bad for you and  can also satisfy that sweet or sour craving you may have! 
  • Whenever bored, go out for a short walk, either by yourself or with someone. It can be time consuming, but you get to talk to others, thing of something you can do when you get back xD and it's good exercise too. :)

I've been doing all of those things for just 2 weeks, and I've noticed changes instantly! :D So I thought I'd share them with you. 
Take care guys! I'll post again soon!


Tuesday 13 March 2012

Oh my gosh .

It's been just over a month since I last posted X______X 
Well, I suppose you could say this is going to be an interesting blog post then~
Yeah, think again. I have done NOTHING but work, work, work some more, sleep, eat, and get ill. Which is what I am at the moment xD 
Well, I gotta admit - I need to start posting o,o

Oh oh oh oh, does anyone have any performing tips? :S Performing on keyboard soon in front of my year group and I have to admit, I'm considerably nervous about it x.x 
Like, major nervous.
Major major nervous.
So any tips would be appreciated greatly ^^ Thanks!

Monday 13 February 2012

Auto-Correct : Seriously?!

Haha, check this out! Found this while browsing! :) Anyone else have problems with auto-correct? I know I do o.o 